TURISMO / San Francisco, la otra cara de Jujuy

San Francisco es la otra cara de Jujuy, con el verde en continuo nacimiento. Aquí, se viven las yungas entre aguas termales, caminatas, ríos y arroyos.

San Francisco es un pueblo fascinante para el viajero.  Está situado en el departamento de Valle Grande, a 45 km de Libertador San Martín por la ruta provincial 83, a 20 km del Parque Nacional Calilegua, y dentro del perímetro de la Reserva de Biósfera de las Yungas.
La Reserva de Biósfera de las Yungas es un área protegida creada en 2002. Son 1.350.000 ha repartidas entre Salta y Jujuy, una porción del total de la yunga tucumano-boliviana, nuboselva, o simplemente “el monte” como lo llaman sus habitantes. Este bosque es una franja verde y angosta con 700 km de longitud norte-sur, no más de 50 km de ancho y 4 millones de ha. En Argentina las yungas se desarrollan entre los 400 y 3000 msnm en laderas montañosas de Salta, Jujuy, Tucumán y Catamarca, y cuentan con una belleza natural imponente que se observa en sus paisajes y en su vegetación exuberante.
Lo que hace especial a San Francisco (1475 msnm) es que es el punto de partida ideal para realizar excursiones únicas: el ascenso al Alto Calilegua, las termas de Jordán y la visita a la cascada. También se pueden visitar pueblos cercanos como Valle Grande, Valle Colorado, Santa Ana, San Lucas, Pampichuela y Alto Calilegua.
Las yungas han sido habitadas por el hombre desde, al menos,  8000 años atrás, y es en los últimos 60 años que las actividades relacionadas con la presencia humana hicieron desaparecer grandes superficies de bosque. La conservación de este ecosistema es responsabilidad de todos los involucrados en la dinámica social y económica de la región.
Su clima es cálido y húmedo, con una estación seca en el invierno, y la primavera es la época más recomendable para excursiones. En el pueblo hay varios hospedajes con una atención casi familiar, y no dejen de probar las empanadas del lugar. 
San Francisco es la otra cara de Jujuy, con el verde en continuo nacimiento. Aquí, se viven las yungas entre aguas termales, caminatas, ríos y arroyos.

San Francisco, the other side of Jujuy

San Francisco is the other side of Jujuy where the greenery never ceases to grow. Here, you can feel the yungas[1] while walking along hot springs, rivers and streams.

San Francisco is a captivating town for the traveler.It is located in Valle Grande department, 45 km away from Libertador de San Martín city along Provincial Route N° 83. It is only 20 km away from Calilegua National Park, and it is located within the Biosphere Reserve of the Yungas (Reserva de Biósfera de las Yungas).
The Biosphere Reserve of the Yungas was created in 2002. It is a protected area extending over 1,350,000 ha distributed in the provincial territories of Salta and Jujuy. This is only a portion of the Tucumano-Bolivian yungas, also known as cloud forest or simply “the hill” (“el monte” in spanish), as the locals call it. This forest is a green narrow area that is 700 km long from north to south, with a maximum width of 50 km, and it covers 4 million ha. In Argentina, the yungas grow in the mountainsides at a height of 400 to 3000 meters above sea level, in the provinces of Salta, Jujuy, Tucumán and Catamarca. Their natural beauty is breathtaking and it is evident in their beautiful landscapes and lush green vegetation.
What makes San Francisco (1475 meters above sea level) truly special is the fact that it is the perfect starting point for one-of-a-kind trips such as, the ascent of Alto Calilegua Mountain, Jordán hot springs, and the trip to the cascade. You can also visit nearby towns like Valle Grande, Valle Colorado, Santa Ana, San Lucas, Pampichuela y Alto Calilegua.
The yungas have been inhabited by men for, at least, 8000 years. However, it is in the last 60 years that human-related activities have caused vast areas of forest to disappear. Every person involved in the social and economic dynamics of this region is accountable for the preservation of its ecosystem.
The weather in San Francisco is warm and wet, with a dry season during the winter. Springtime is the most advisable season for going on excursions. You will find several accommodation options in the town, and don´t leave without having a taste of the local “empanadas”[2].
San Francisco is the other side of Jujuy where the greenery never ceases to grow.
Here, you can feel the yungas while walking along hot springs, rivers and streams.
[1] The Yungas is a stretch of forest along the eastern slope of the Andes Mountains from Peru, Bolivia and northern Argentina. It is a transitional zone between the Andean highlands and the eastern forests. Yungas is Quechua for "warm valley".
[2] An empanada is part of the local cuisine of several countries in South America. Empanadas are made by folding dough or bread around stuffing, which usually consists of a variety of meat, cheese, corn, vegetables or fruits, among others.

por: Martín Palomino Salomón / FOTOGRAFÍA: Franco Stamboni Day